How to record the xyz coordinates of brachytherapy applicators in an excel file

How to record the xyz coordinates of brachytherapy applicators in an excel file?

The following instructions extract from an rt-struct the coordinates of the brachytherapy applicators, and save them in an Excel file.

library (espadon)
library (openxlsx)

# path of the rt-struct file to analyze
struct.file  <- file.choose () 

# loading of rt-struct in memory
S <- load.obj.from.dicom (struct.file, data = TRUE) 

# coordinates of the brachytherapy applicators
coord <- lapply (S$[grepl ("^applicateur", S$$roi.pseudo)], function (l) l[[1]]$pt)

# formatting in a table
db <- (matrix ("", nrow = max (sapply (coord, nrow)) + 2, ncol = 4 * length (coord)))
db[1, 4 * (1:length (coord))-3] <- names (coord)
db[2, ] <- rep (c ("x", "y", "z", ""), length (coord))
for (i in 1:length (coord)) db[3:(2 + nrow (coord[[i]])), (i - 1) * 4 + (1:3)] <- coord[[i]]

# save as *.xlsx file
write.xlsx (db, file = "applicators.xlsx", colNames = FALSE, 
            rowNames = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)