3D Display

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3D Display

The espadon package has several 3D visualization features:

  • the display.3D.contour function displays the contours of the selected region of interest as described in the rt-struct.
  • the display.3D.stack function displays selected slices of the imaging volume.
  • the display.3D.sections function displays the frontal, sagittal and transverse view at a point.

These last 2 functions can use the same color palettes as the 2D visualization functions, except that a color can only be totally transparent or visible.

Eyes an PTV contours displayed with display.3D.contour
6 slices of a MRI displayed with display.3D. stack
CT scan frontal, sagittal and transverse view displayed with display.3D.sections

Thanks to the internal management of geometrical frames of reference, the different displays can be mixed, as shown in the example below:

pat.dir <- choose.dir () # patient folder containing mr, ct, rt-struct, and reg
pat <- load.patient.from.dicom (pat.dir)
S <- load.obj.data(pat$rtstruct[[1]])
CT <- load.obj.data(pat$ct[[1]])
MR <- load.obj.data(pat$mr[[1]])

bg3d ("black")
par3d (userMatrix = matrix (c(0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), ncol = 4), 
       windowRect = c(0, 50, 300, 300), zoom = 0.7)

display.3D.contour (S, roi.sname = "eye", display.ref = CT$ref.pseudo, T.MAT = pat$T.MAT)
display.3D.stack (MR, k.idx = c(10,35,70, 105, 140,165), display.ref = CT$ref.pseudo, T.MAT = pat$T.MAT,
                  ktext = FALSE)
display.3D.sections (CT, cross.pt = c(0, 150, 0), col = pal.RVV (200, alpha = c(rep (0, 90), rep (1, 110))),
                     breaks = seq(-1000, 1000, length.out = 201), border.col = "#844A39")

play3d (spin3d (rpm = 4), duration = 15) 
mix-display of eyes contours, mr slices and ct frontal, sagittal and transverse view.